Welcome to the Head and Neck Cancer Check Site
Welcome to Head and Neck Cancer Check, your guide to understanding cancers of the mouth and throat.
This website provided by the American Head and Neck Society is for your general education only and the American Head and Neck Society does not intend the website or any of the information contained in it to provide direct medical advice. This website is mobile friendly and can be used as an “app” on your smartphone device, simply use the Add to Homescreen function to install it.
Head and Neck Cancer Check provides general information on head and neck cancers, including behaviors and other factors that increase risk, common symptoms and other things to look out for. Also, a self-exam will allow you to monitor your mouth, throat, and neck and guide you how to see and feel in the best way possible. A photo library will show you what normal and abnormal parts of your mouth and throat may look like if you happen to see or feel something. This website is for your general education only and is not intended to provide direct medical advice. Every person’s condition is unique, and your anatomy may not look like the photos included. You are encouraged to contact your doctor or dentist for a formal medical evaluation if you have any concerns. Please also note that the United States Preventative Services Task Force and the American Head and Neck Society have not offered formal recommendations in favor of head and neck cancer screening in asymptomatic adults due to insufficient evidence.